Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Beyond the Veil

Five adventurers find their way to the seemingly-sleepy fishing village of Saltmarsh, where a tenuous status-quo is hiding criminal activity and political conflict just under the surface. Between hunting pirates and exposing smugglers, can the crew of the Brilliant Sapphire dig into the dark underworld of Saltmarsh and exorcise its ghosts once and for all?

A campaign based on the Ghosts of Saltmarsh module for D&D, Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Beyond the Veil charts a slightly different course with a colorful cast of characters, each with a unique connection to another plane of existence.

Player Characters

About the Campaign

While the original Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign was written for the Greyhawk universe, this campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, placing Saltmarsh on the Sword Coast between Neverwinter and the Mere of Dead Men. Taking place in the year DR 1497, the story contains references to the Curse of Strahd module, with the Curse of Strahd: Symphony of the Damned campaign having taken place five years prior.

Many aspects of the campaign have been changed from the original module, however, there will still be some spoilers for the module in the story so far- especially in the first two arcs, which largely follow the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh portion of the module. Other oneshots have been incorporated into the story, including Slave Pits of the Undercity and In Vino Augurium.

Story Overview

The Sea Ghost Arc

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The Gala Arc

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The Slavers Arc

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The Election Arc

Coming Soon!


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